WildFly Project News

WildFly 20 S2I images have been released on quay.io

WildFly 20 S2I Docker images The WildFly S2I (Source-to-Image) builder and runtime Docker images for WildFly 20 have been released on quay.io/wildfly. Changes since the last release: Upgraded Keycloak client adapters to version 10.0.2. Reduced the size of the image generated during s2i chained build template (image named <app>-build-artifacts). For a complete documentation on how to use these images using S2I, OpenShift and Docker, refer to the WildFly S2I README. Adding the imagestreams and template...

Pluging Apache Qpid into WildFly

Using JBoss Generic JMS Resource Adapter you can use a JMS compatible client to connect WildFly to any broker. This article will describe how to do this with Apache Qpid and thus use JMS over AMQP. Installing Apache Qpid You need to download and untar Apache Qpid Broker-J 8.0.0 from https://qpid.apache.org/download.html. You need to allow for anonymous access. Please use the initial-config.json configuration file. Note that we will start Apache Qpid HTTP server on 9080...

WildFly 19.1.0 is released!

WildFly 19.1.0 Final is now available for download. As we usually do between WildFly majors, we’ve done an update release to provide the WildFly community with important bug fixes and component upgrades that have become available. Typically these are micro releases, but this time we had one feature that we wanted to make available, so we changed the version to 19.1.0 and released a minor. The feature is related to handling of SameSite cookie attributes....

Configuring WildFly S2I image by using CLI Management Operations

Introduction The standard and recommended way to configure the WildFly cloud images is by using environment variables. However, you could find it useful for your use case to configure the server by using a custom CLI management operations script. The following post describes how you can apply management operations to configure the WildFly server image. We will show you how you can execute CLI scripts at the Source-to-Image (S2I) phase and how to use the...