WildFly 8.2 Final is released!
I’m happy to announce the release of WildFly 8.2.0.Final! This release includes a number of improvements and bug fixes over the last release, 8.1.0.Final.
CDI 1.2 & Weld 2.2
WildFly 8.2 builds upon the existing Java EE7 support, by adding the latest iteration of CDI, which includes improved discovery semantics and better compatibility with AtInject (JSR 330) implementations.
Additionally, Weld, our CDI implementation has been updated with improved performance. Large deployments were observed to be as much as 20% faster to deploy.
For more details, see the Weld 2.2 release announcement.
Web Sockets 1.1 (JSR-356)
Undertow now supports the new Web Sockets 1.1 APIs, which allows Java 8 lambdas to be used as message handlers. Additionally the TCK for 1.1 is much more extensive, with nearly three times the tests. This ultimately leads to better portability and quality of conformant implementations, such as WildFly.
Other Improvements
New mechanism to load tag libraries from module
EJBs in WARs now inherit the WAR security domain
SSO session id cookie name is now configurable
Notification support added to the domain management API
Improved JASPI Support for Web Services
HTTPSession sharing can be configured between WARs in the same EAR
Reverse proxy configuration now uses outbound-socket-binding
Custom http handlers now configurable in standalone.xml/domain.xml
More Web Service management attributes are hot changeable
A number of usability improvements to the Web Console
TLS Cipher suites are now configurable in security realms
Issue Resolution
107 issues were resolved since 8.1
Component Updates
Jackson 2.4.1
Mojarra 2.2.8-jbossorg-1
Undertow 1.1.0.Final
JSoup 1.7.1
Apache CXF 2.7.13
Apache Santuario 1.5.7
Apache WS Security 1.6.17
EL 3.0.1-b05
Hibernate 4.3.7.Final
Hibernate Validator 5.1.3.Final
HornetQ 2.4.5.Final
HAL 2.4.9.Final
IronJacamar 1.1.9.Final
Jandex 1.2.1.Final
JBoss Marshalling 1.4.9.Final
JBoss Remoting 4.0.6.Final
RestEASY 3.0.10.Final
JSTL 1.1.2.Final
Weld 2.2.6.Final
JBoss WS CXF 4.3.2.Final
XNIO 3.3.0.Final
JGroups 3.4.5.Final
PicketBox 4.0.21.Final
PicketLink 2.6.0.Final
JAXB 2.2.5.jboss-2